NBMiner v39.5-Nvidia显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载

NBMiner 挖矿软件介绍使用教程:https://wk588.com/12769-1-1.html

NBMiner v39.5更新日志:

    feature: ergo new LHR mode for mining ERGO, enable it by manually adding -lhr option

    Same as LHR mode in ethash, -lhr value represents expected hashrate to reach value percent of non-LHR GPU’s hashrate, supports comma-seperated list to indicate -lhr value for each GPU, and -lhr -1 to disable.
    For GPUs with Hynix GDDR6 memory, LHR mode is not recommended for the poor performance.
    For GPUs with non-Hynix GDDR6 memory, e.g. 3060 3060ti 3070, start trying with -lhr 85
    For GPUs with GDDR6X memory, e.g. 3070ti 3080 3080ti, start trying with -lhr 100
    When mining lock is detected during ERGO mining, miner will automatically decrease -lhr value by 0.5, and continue mining. max decrease times is 10, which sums to 5.0

    optimize: ergo Lower power consumption on Nvidia GPUs.

    功能: ergo 新增LHR模式,需手动添加 -lhr 参数启用

    ethash的LHR模式相同,-lhr值表示期望达到的非LHR卡算力的百分比,支持列表传入每张卡不同的参数,传入 -1 禁用
    对于海力士显存颗粒GDDR6的LHR显卡,不推荐使用 -lhr 模式,效果不明显
    对于其他 LHR 版本GDDR6显卡,即 3060 3060ti 3070,推荐 -lhr 85 开始尝试
    对于 LHR 版本GDDR6X显卡,即 3070ti 3080 3080ti,推荐 -lhr 100 开始尝试
    当ERGO挖矿中检测到LHR锁以后,miner将尝试恢复并自动将 -lhr值降低 0.5 继续挖矿,最多降低10次

    优化: ergo 降低N卡挖矿功耗

NBMiner v39.5官方原版下载连接:
4people reactedNBMiner_39.5_Linux.tgz软件大小:10.3 MB
NBMiner_39.5_Linux.tgz.sha256软件大小:89 Bytes
NBMiner_39.5_Win.zip软件大小:10.7 MB
NBMiner_39.5_Win.zip.sha256软件大小:87 Bytes



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