NBMiner v39.3-Nvidia显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载

NBMiner 挖矿软件介绍使用教程:https://wk588.com/12769-1-1.html

NBMiner v39.3更新日志:

    feature: ethash new low power LHR mode, add -lhr-mode option.

    -lhr-mode 2 is the default LHR mode, which is the new lower power mode.
    -lhr-mode 1 changes LHR mode to old version, which is the same as v39.2
    -lhr-mode 1 is suitable for only power limit bounded GPU, can achieve higher hashrate than mode 2
    -lhr-mode 2 is able to achieve lower average power and temperature. espacially suitable for GPUs with gddr6x e.g.3070ti, 3080, 3080ti. Power consumtion is fluctuating in this mode, better be used with locked core clock.

    feature: -lhr support decimal value

    feature: for LHR GPUs, when mining lock is detected, miner will automatically decrease -lhr value by 0.1, and continue mining. max decrease times is 10, which sums to 1.0

    fix: higher CPU usage when set --share-check 0

    功能: ethash 新增低功耗LHR模式,通过-lhr-mode选择

    -lhr-mode 1适用于追求更高算力,锁功耗不锁核心频率的显卡
    -lhr-mode 2适用于追求更低的平均功耗和温度,尤其3070ti、3080、3080ti等显存温度较高的gddr6x显卡。该模式下功耗呈周期性波动,建议锁定核心频率使用该模式

    功能: -lhr支持传入小数

    功能: LHR模式下,当挖矿过程中检测到锁后,程序自动将-lhr值降低0.1继续挖矿,最多降低10次总共 1.0

    修复: 设置--share-check 0后CPU占用率高的问题

NBMiner v39.3官方原版下载连接:
NBMiner_39.3_Linux.tgz软件大小:10.3 MB
NBMiner_39.3_Linux.tgz.sha256软件大小:89 Bytes
NBMiner_39.3_Win.zip软件大小:10.7 MB
NBMiner_39.3_Win.zip.sha256软件大小:87 Bytes



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