
6876 |0
发表于 2019-12-16 15:08:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The mine has almost no power outages during the year except for maintenance. A distributed layout is adopted. One of the transformers fails and does not affect its power output. We also have spare transformers on top to ensure stable power output. The annual online rate of the machine is almost 100. %, There are professional temperature control settings to provide the machine with the best operating environment, keep the temperature around 20 ℃, the hottest keep below 30 ℃, double-layer isolation, hot and cold isolation, network isolation, let the machine run flying The long-term operation of the machine is inevitable due to the gray layer. Most of the machine failures are due to dust. We have professional dust-proof settings, internal network, external network, double-layer protection. The machine has been running for several months. Almost brand-new, the machine guarantees safety, the staff of on-duty miners are on duty 24 hours a day, the quality is hard, the technology passes, and the operation efficiency of the miners is guaranteed to be stable. 0.34



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