T-Rex 发表于 2021-9-24 18:30:00

T-Rex 0.23.1-NVIDIA显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载

T-Rex 挖矿软件介绍使用教程:https://wk588.com/12816-1-1.html<br><strong>T-Rex 0.23.1更新日志:</strong><br>
<p>NOTE: this version includes a couple of breaking changes: GPU ordering change and telnet API removal. Make sure you remove your GPU-order specific OC settings from <code>*.bat</code>/<code>*.sh</code> files before updating.<br>
Auto-updates won't be turned on for this version for the same reason.<br>
Users of HiveOS and other mining operating systems that force PCI bus GPU order are unaffected by the GPU-order change.</p>

New WebUI and API (refer to <a href="https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/WebUI">https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/WebUI</a> on how to set it up):

Ability to generate config files
Improved API security: optional password and certificate based authentication, https
GPU/memory clock and share difficulty reporting
Log viewer
Ability to pause GPUs

<p>If you don't like the new WebUI and would prefer to use the old one for any reason, download <a href="https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/releases/download/0.23.1/webui.zip">webui.zip</a> archive, put it next to <code>t-rex</code> executable, and restart the miner.</p>

Order GPUs by PCI bus id. You may need to change the settings that relied on GPU order.
Remove telnet API
Multiple bug fixes<br><br>
自动翻译内容:<br><p>注意:此版本包含一些重大更改:GPU 排序更改和 telnet API 删除。 确保在更新之前从 <code>*.bat</code>/<code>*.sh</code> 文件中删除 GPU 顺序特定 OC 设置。<br>

新的 WebUI 和 API(请参阅 <a href="https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/WebUI">https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/wiki/WebUI</a>a> 关于如何设置):

改进的 API 安全性:可选的基于密码和证书的身份验证、https
能够暂停 GPU

<p>如果您不喜欢新的 WebUI 并且出于任何原因更愿意使用旧的,请下载 <a href="https://github.com/trexminer/T-Rex/releases/download/0.23。1/webui.zip">webui.zip</a> 存档,放在<code>t-rex</code> 可执行文件旁边,然后重启矿机。</p>

按 PCI 总线 ID 订购 GPU。 您可能需要更改依赖于 GPU 顺序的设置。
移除 telnet API
多项错误修复<br><strong>T-Rex 0.23.1官方原版下载连接:</strong><br>
1person reactedt-rex-0.23.1-linux.tar.gz 软件大小:25.2 MB<br>t-rex-0.23.1-win.zip 软件大小:24.2 MB<br>webui.zip 软件大小:1.04 MB<br>

飞飞 发表于 2021-9-26 21:37:36


yinyinbu 发表于 2021-9-27 09:02:25


yuanlai759 发表于 2021-9-27 13:29:57

注意:此版本包含一些重大更改:GPU 排序更改和 telnet API 删除。 确保在更新之前从 *.bat/*.sh 文件中删除 GPU 顺序特定 OC 设置

风依然吹 发表于 2021-10-2 15:52:04


/sun~~~~/sun 发表于 2021-10-3 21:32:44


何必 发表于 2021-10-4 18:36:03

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查看完整版本: T-Rex 0.23.1-NVIDIA显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载