NBMiner 发表于 2021-8-15 18:30:00

NBMiner v39.0-Nvidia显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载

NBMiner 挖矿软件介绍使用教程:https://wk588.com/12769-1-1.html<br><strong>NBMiner v39.0更新日志:</strong><br>
<p><code>feature</code>: <code>ethash</code> New LHR mode for ETH mining on RTX 30 series LHR GPUs, supports Windows &amp; Linux, able to get ~70% of maximum unlocked hashrate.</p>

This mode can be tuned by argument <code>-lhr</code>, only works for <code>ethash</code> right now.
<code>-lhr</code> default to 0, meaning even if <code>-lhr</code> is not set, LHR mode with <code>-lhr 68</code> will be applied to LHR GPUs if certain GPUs are detected.
Tune LHR mode by setting <code>-lhr &lt;value&gt;</code>, a specific value will tell miner try to reach <code>value</code> percent of maximum unlocker hashrate, e.g. <code>-lhr 68</code> will expect to get 68% of hashrate for same model non-LHR GPU.
Higher <code>-lhr</code> value will results in higher hashrate, but has higher possibility to run into lock state, which will leads to much less hashrate.
A good start tuning value is 68, which has been tested to be stable on most rig configurations.
<code>-lhr</code> value can be set for each GPU by using comma separeted list, <code>-lhr 65,68,0,-1</code>, where <code>-1</code> means turn off LHR mode.

<p>Known issue</p>

unable to unlock LHR hashrate under windows driver 471.11

<p><code>功能</code>: <code>ethash</code> 新增部分破解 LHR 版本显卡算力的功能,适用于win和linux,大约可解锁70%左右的满速算力。</p>

如果检测到有LHR显卡,即使不加<code>-lhr</code>参数时,也会自动对其使用 <code>-lhr 68</code>的参数应用。
其他非LHR显卡挖矿不受影响,3060 v1版本需要设置 <code>-lhr &lt;value&gt;</code> 才启用 LHR 模式
可通过 <code>-lhr &lt;value&gt;</code> 来手动指定,&lt;value&gt;的值指尝试让miner达到的算力目标,比如 <code>-lhr 68</code> 即尝试让miner采用满算力(不带锁的卡)的68%的有效算力来运行,即越大算力越高。
<code>-lhr</code> 的数值越大,挖矿过程中被锁算力的概率越大,默认值 68 是开发测试中可以长期稳定运行的值,用户可以尝试调高或者调低该数值,以取得算力和稳定性的平衡
可通过 <code>-lhr 65,68,0,-1</code> 格式来单独指定每一张卡的参数,其中 <code>-1</code>指关闭 LHR 破解功能


windows 471.11驱动,无法解锁LHR算力<br><strong>NBMiner v39.0官方原版下载连接:</strong><br>
2people reacted<a href="https://github.com/NebuTech/NBMiner/releases/download/v39.0/NBMiner_39.0_Linux.tgz" rel="nofollow" class="d-flex flex-items-center min-width-0">NBMiner_39.0_Linux.tgz</a>软件大小:10.2 MB<br><a href="https://github.com/NebuTech/NBMiner/releases/download/v39.0/NBMiner_39.0_Linux.tgz.sha256" rel="nofollow" class="d-flex flex-items-center min-width-0">NBMiner_39.0_Linux.tgz.sha256</a>软件大小:89 Bytes<br><a href="https://github.com/NebuTech/NBMiner/releases/download/v39.0/NBMiner_39.0_Win.zip" rel="nofollow" class="d-flex flex-items-center min-width-0">NBMiner_39.0_Win.zip</a>软件大小:10.6 MB<br><a href="https://github.com/NebuTech/NBMiner/releases/download/v39.0/NBMiner_39.0_Win.zip.sha256" rel="nofollow" class="d-flex flex-items-center min-width-0">NBMiner_39.0_Win.zip.sha256</a>软件大小:87 Bytes<br>

WK_lso4s 发表于 2021-8-15 18:57:56


ayaya5050 发表于 2021-8-15 22:53:47

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北子风 发表于 2021-8-16 00:15:41


暮一 发表于 2021-8-16 22:50:04


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ak4751639 发表于 2021-8-17 03:53:36


fanchaoaaaa 发表于 2021-8-17 15:32:39


MrWang 发表于 2021-8-17 17:44:21

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喜哥 发表于 2021-8-18 15:27:47

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查看完整版本: NBMiner v39.0-Nvidia显卡(GPU)挖矿软件下载