PhoenixMiner(凤凰矿工) 2.9e ETH/ETC挖矿软件


PhoenixMiner(凤凰矿工) 2.9e  ETH/ETC挖矿软件



  • AMD GPU内核的显着改进,提供了更高的散列率,更低的失效百分比以及更低的功耗。AMD内核默认使用新的内核。您仍可以使用-clnew 0恢复使用旧内核
  • 请注意,新AMD内核的最佳-gt值可能与以前不同(但应该在同一个球内)
  • 增加了用于AMD RX550,RX460 / 560和285/380的替代(-clkernel 2)内核。就像Polaris的替代内核(RX470 / 480/570/580)一样,有时这些内核可能会比默认(-clkernel 1)内核提供更高的散列率。
  • 基于Baffin内核添加了针对AMD RX550的优化内核(但我们无法测试它们,因为我们的RX550原来使用Baffin内核,所以请让我们知道它们是否适合您)
  • 新的Nvidia内核,提供更高的hashrate和更低的失效份额百分比。您仍然可以使用旧的CUDA内核与-nvnew 0.使用新的Nvidia内核时默认为12,采用强度(-mi),旧内核为10
  • 新的-clf参数用于控制OpenCL(AMD)内核将同步的频率(0 – 从不,1 – 有时(默认),2 – 始终)。如果你在AMD GPU上有不稳定的哈希率,试试这个,但总的来说,最好不要管它
  • 新的-nvf参数来控制Nvidia内核同步频率(它类似于AMD卡的-clf参数)。尝试-nvf 2,如果你在暂停和恢复Nvidia卡上的挖掘之后有永久哈希率下降
  • 新增了-logfile参数以便能够设置日志文件的名称。如果您在日志文件名称中放置星号(*),则每次启动PhoenixMiner时,它都会被当前日期/时间替换以创建唯一名称。如果日志文件名中没有星号,新的日志条目将被添加到同一个文件中。如果要使用相同的日志文件,但每次启动矿工时都要覆盖内容,请在日志文件名称中加上美元符号($)字符(例如-logfile my_log.txt $)。
  • 添加-logdir参数以指定日志文件的不同文件夹
  • 已添加-logsmaxsize参数以指定日志文件的最大大小(默认情况下为200 MB,关闭自动删除最旧日志文件的值为0)
  • 在支持的驱动程序和GPU中添加了对AMD计算模式的检测。探测是在矿工启动时执行的,并且如果某些GPU上的计算模式关闭,您将收到警告消息。
  • 如果某些卡没有打开,则添加控制台命令’y’以打开AMD计算模式。
  • 修正了当矿工崩溃而不是重新启动时,矿工重新启动Nvidia卡时发生的一些CUDA错误的问题。
  • 许多小的修复和更改

    AMD和Nvidia卡(包括混合采矿钻井平台)的Ethash(ETH,ETC,Muiscoin,EXP,UBQ等)矿工,速度很快(可以说是最快的)。它运行在Windows x64下
    矿工每90 分钟会为我们开发人员开采35秒。
    在eth only模式下,速度通常比Claymore的Ethereum矿工速度更快
    当矿工正在运行时,用+和 – 键互动)。
    如果您已经使用了Claymore的Dual Ethereum矿工,那么您可以用

    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -pool2 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName – proto 3,安全连接):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl:// -pool2 ssl:// -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
    ethpool .org(ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -pool2 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
    -pool eth-eu -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
    -pool stratum + tcp:// -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -pass x -proto 4 -stales 0
    PhoenixMiner.exe -epool -ewal YourEthWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool us-east.ethash-hub -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x
    -proto 1 ):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEtcWalletAddress.WorkerName
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourExpWalletAddress / WorkerName
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourLoginName .WorkerName -pass X -proto 1个
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool地层+ TCP:// -wal YourUbiqWalletAddress -pass X -worker WorkerName
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourPirlWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName ETP):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourMetaverseETPWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x (Ellaism):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEllaismWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x
    *支持AMD Vega,580/570/480/470,460/560,Fury,390 / 290以及更早的AMD GPU具有足够的VRAM
    *支持Nvidia 10×0和9×0系列以及具有足够VRAM的旧卡
    * GPU调整AMD GPU以实现最高性能
    *支持eTC,EXP,Music,UBQ,Pirl,Ellaism和Metaverse ETP等替代ethash货币的devfee。这允许您在当前的DAG时代(例如GTX970)上使用具有小VRAM或低哈希值的旧卡。
    *与行业标准Claymore的Dual Ethereum矿工兼容,包括大部分命令行选项,配置文件以及远程监控和管理。
    PhoenixMiner需要Windows x64(Windows 7,Windows 10等)。我们正在计划
    矿工的控制台窗口具有键盘焦点时,按键’h’ 查看可用命令的列表。的
    -walEthash wallet(某些池需要用户名和/或工作人员)
    -proto 选择ethash池的层次协议类型:
    2:eth-proxy(例如dwarfpool,nanopool) – 这是默认值,
    4:EthereumStratum / 1.0.0(例如nicehash)
    等:Ethereum Classic
    etp:Metaverse ETP
    -stales 向ethash池提交stales:1 – yes(default ),0 – no
    -pool2 故障转移ethash池地址。与-pool相同,但是用于故障转移池
    -wal2 故障转移ethash钱包(如果失踪-wal也将用于故障转移池)
    -pass2 故障转移ethash密码(如果缺少-pass也将用于故障转移池)
    -worker2 故障转移ethash工人名称(如果缺少-worker也将用于故障转移池)
    -proto2 故障转移ethash层协议(如果缺少-proto也将用于故障转移池)
    -coin2 故障转移devfee Ethash硬币如果缺少-coin将用于故障切换池太)
    -stales2 提交stales故障转移池:1 -是(默认值),0 -没有
    -fret 切换到AFERñ下一池连接尝试失败(默认值:3)
    -ftimeout 如果没有新的ethash作业接收n秒,则重新连接(默认值:600)
    -rate 向池中报告散列率:1 – 是,0 – 否(1是默认值)
    -bench [], – 基准[]基准模式,可选指定DAG时元。用它来测试你的钻机。
    -cdm 选择CDM远程监控的支持级别:
    1:只读 – 这是默认的
    -cdmport 设置CDM远程监控端口(默认为3333)。
    -cdmpass 设置CDM远程监控密码
    -nvidia仅使用Nvidia cards
    -gpus 只使用指定的GPU(如果超过10个,用逗号分隔索引)
    -mi 设置采矿强度(0到14; 12是AMD上新内核的默认值GPU; 10是Nvidia GPU的默认
    设置)-gt 设置GPU调整参数(8到400)。默认值是15.您可以
    使用’+’和’ – ‘交互式更改调整参数
    -clKernelOpenCL内核的类型:0 – 通用,1 – 优化,2 – 替代(1是默认值)
    -clNew 使用新的AMD内核(0:no,1:yes;默认值:1)
    -clfAMD内核同步(0:从来没有,1:周期; 2:始终;默认:1)
    -nvNew 使用新的NVIDIA内核如果支持(0:否,1:是;默认:1)
    – nvf Nvidia内核同步(0:从不,1:定期; 2:始终;默认:1)
    -minRigSpeed 如果平均5分钟速度低于 MH / s
    -eres 分配DAG缓冲区足够大,以便提前n个时期(默认值:2),以
    -lidag 减慢DAG生成以避免在切换DAG时期时出现崩溃
    (0-3,默认值:0– 最快,3-最慢)。此选项仅适用于AMD卡
    -wdog 启用看门狗定时器:1 – 是,0 – 否(1为默认设置)。看门狗定时器会
    重启模式的-rmode 命令行参数)
    -rmode 选择GPU崩溃或死机时的重启模式:
    0 :禁用 – 矿工将关闭而不是重新启动
    1:使用相同的命令行选项重新启动 – 这是默认设置
    -log 选择日志文件模式:
    0:禁用 – 不会
    -logfile 设置日志文件的名称。如果您在日志文件名称中放置星号(*),则
    在日志文件名称中放入美元符号($)字符(例如-logfile my_log.txt $)。
    -logdir 设置将创建日志文件的路径
    -logsmaxsize 日志文件的最大大小(以MB为单位)。默认值为200 MB(使用0关闭限制)。
    -timeout 在n分钟后根据-rmode重新启动矿工
    -gpow 将GPU使用率降至最大n%(默认值:100)。如果您已经使用-mi 0(或其他较低值),请使用-li来代替
    -li 降低GPU使用率的另一种方法。n值越大意味着GPU利用率越低; 默认值为0.
    硬件控制选项(大多数仅适用于AMD卡,Nvidia GPU仅支持0-4,tstop和tstart),请使用逗号为每个GPU指定不同的值:
    -tt 设置风扇控制目标温度(特殊值:0 – 没有所有卡上的硬件监控,
    1-4 – 所有卡的监控时间间隔为30-120秒,负值 – 固定的风扇速度为n%)-
    fanmin 设置风扇控制最小值速度以%(默认为-1)
    -fanmax 设置风扇控制最大速度,默认值为%(-1)
    -tmax 设置风扇控制的最大温度(默认为0)
    -powlim 设置GPU功率限制,单位为%(默认
    值为-75至75,0 )-cclock 默认设置)
    -cvddc 设置GPU核心电压(默认
    值为0)-mclock 设置GPU内存时钟的MHz(默认为0)
    -mvddc 设置GPU内存电压,单位为mV(默认为0 )
    -tstop 暂停一个GPU当温度是> = N℃(0为默认;即关闭)
    -tstart 恢复一个GPU当温度是
    1-9暂停/恢复GPU1 … GPU9(如果您有超过9个GPU,类型010为卡10,卡11为011等)
    +, – 增加/减少GPU调整参数
    当前目录中的文件config.txt ,并从中读取它的命令行选项。如果需要,可以在运行PhoenixMiner.exe时

    – 如果您有多个钻机,您可以使用这些文件复制并粘贴所有设置
    – 如果您通过远程控制来控制钻机,则可以更改钻取池甚至矿工选项通过
  • 如果您指定一个值(例如-cvddc 1150),它将在所有卡上使用。为每张卡指定不同的值,如下所示(以逗号分隔):- cvddc 1100,1100,1150,1120,1090如果指定的值小于GPU的数量,则其余GPU将使用默认值。
  • 我们仅在相对较新的AMD GPU(RX460 / 470/480/560/570/580和Vega)上进行了测试。您的结果可能会因旧的GPU而异。
  • 来自AMD的区块链测试版驱动程序显示出相当不稳定的结果 – 通常电压不会在一段时间后保持不变或恢复为默认值。为了获得最佳效果,请使用AMD最新的驱动程序:18.1.1或18.2.1,其中大多数错误都是固定的。
  • -tmax指定GPU开始调节的温度(因为风扇无法跟上)。
  • 如果您使用其他程序进行硬件控制,则可能发生冲突并很可能发生冲突。使用诸如GPU-Z之类的东西来监控电压等。MSI加力燃烧器似乎也表现良好(因此您可以使用它来控制Nvidia卡,而AMD卡由PhoenixMiner控制器)。
  • 这应该是显而易见的,但仍然是:如果给定的时钟/电压在使用第三方程序设置时会导致死亡/死机/不正确的共享,那么通过PhoenixMiner硬件控制选项进行设置时,它们同样会变得不稳定。
  • 如果您在PhoenixMiner的硬件控制选项方面存在问题,并且您正在使用其他方式来控制您感到满意的时钟,风扇和电压(MSI Aftrerburner,OverdriveNTool等),那么最好继续使用它并忽略它PhoenixMiner的硬件控制选项(或仅使用其中的一部分,并继续使用第三方工具调整其余部分)。

  • 7.常见问题
    命令行选项来限制给定PhoenixMiner 实例实际使用的GPU)。
    和平均份额接受时间 – 如果超过100毫秒,请尝试从
    P001:我在使用AMD RX470 / 480/570/580或类似卡,在过去
    S:这是一些卡片的已知问题。对于较新的卡(RX470 / 480/570/580),可以
    P002:我的Nvidia GTX9x0显卡在Windows 10下显示非常低的hashrate!
    S:尽管存在一个(令人费解的)解决方法,但最好的解决方案是避免使用Windows 10
    来使用这些卡 – 而是使用Windows 7。
    P003:我使用的是Nvidia GTX970(或类似的)卡,我的哈希率大幅下降为以太坊或
    超过2 GB左右时,它的哈希值会下降。与基于AMD Polaris的卡不同,这个
    您在放弃之前使用ETH 相同的速度挖掘EXP,Musicoin,UBQ或PIRL 。
    P005:在Windows 10上,如果您在PhoenixMiner控制台内单击,它会冻结!
    S:这是Windows 10上的一个已知问题,与命令的所谓“快速编辑”功能有关
    提示窗口。从PhoenixMiner 2.6开始,默认情况下QuickMode是禁用的,所以你不应该遇到
    // P006:刚开始后,PhoenixMiner停止工作,最后一条消息是“调试器检测到”
    至少16 GB。如果这没有帮助,通过运行
    矿工文件夹中的start_miner.bat来启动PhoenixMiner 。您必须更改start_miner.bat中指定的钱包地址,以
    通过指定-bench 170命令行选项以基准模式运行它。然后每当你按下键’d’时
    多代DAG 期间是否稳定。如果不是,您可以尝试更改-lidag和-eres命令行选项,

    Changes in version 2.9e (since 2.8c):

  • Substantial improvements in the kernels for AMD GPUs, providing higher hashrate, lower percentage of stale shares, and slightly lower power consumption. The new kernels are used by default for AMD GPUs. You can still revert to using the old kernels with -clnew 0
  • Note that the optimal -gt values for the new AMD kernels may be different than before (but should be in the same ballpark)
  • Added alternative (-clkernel 2) kernels for AMD RX550, RX460/560, and 285/380. Just like the alternative kernels for Polaris (RX470/480/570/580), sometimes these can give you higher hashrate than then default (-clkernel 1) kernels.
  • Added optimized kernels for AMD RX550, based on the Baffin kernels (but we can’t test them as our RX550 turned out to use Baffin cores, so please let us know if they work for you)
  • New Nvidia kernels, providing higher hashrate and much lower percentage of stale shares. You can still revert to using the old CUDA kernels with -nvnew 0. The mining intensity (-mi) is by default 12 when using the new Nvidia kernels and 10 for the old kernels
  • New -clf parameter to control how often the OpenCL (AMD) kernels will sync (0 – never, 1 – sometimes (default), 2 – always). Try this if you have unstable hashrate on AMD GPU but in general, it is best to leave it alone
  • New -nvf parameter to control Nvidia kernel sync frequency (it is similar to the -clf parameter for AMD cards). Try -nvf 2 if you have permanent hashrate drops after pausing and resuming mining on Nvidia cards
  • Added -logfile parameter to be able to set the name of the logfile. If you place an asterisk (*) in the logfile name, it will be replaced by the current date/time to create a unique name every time PhoenixMiner is started. If there is no asterisk in the logfile name, the new log entries will be added to the same file. If you want to use the same logfile but the contents to be overwritten every time when you start the miner, put a dollar sign ($) character in the logfile name (e.g. -logfile my_log.txt$).
  • Added -logdir parameter to specify different folder for the logfiles
  • Added -logsmaxsize parameter to specify the max size of the log files (200 MB by default, 0 to turn off the automatic removal of oldest log files)
  • Added detection of AMD Compute mode in the supported drivers and GPUs. The detection is performed when the miner starts and if the Compute mode is off on some of the GPUs, you will get warning messages.
  • Added console command ‘y’ to turn on the AMD Compute mode if it is not turned on on some of the cards.
  • Fixed a problem with miner restart on some CUDA errors with Nvidia cards when the miner crashes instead of restarting.
  • Many small fixes and changes

    PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
    both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64
    and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
    minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.
    The speed is generally faster than Claymore’s Ethereum miner in eth only mode
    (we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
    higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
    to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
    interactively with the + and – keys while the miner is running).
    If you have used Claymore’s Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
    minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore’s command-line options and confirguration
    files with the notable exception of the dual mining feature (yet).
    Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but this is the
    first public release and there still may be some bugs. Additionally, we are actively working on
    bringing many new features in the future releases. If you encounter any problems or have
    feature requests, please post them here (in this thread). We will do our best to answer in timely
    1. Quick start
    Here are the command line parameters for some of the more popular pools and coins: (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -pool2 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3 (ETH, secure connection):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl:// -pool2 ssl:// -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3 (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -pool2 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3 (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEthWalletAddress/WorkerName -pass x (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEthWalletAddress/WorkerName -pass x
    nicehash (ethash):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum+tcp:// -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -pass x -proto 4 -stales 0
    f2pool (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -epool -ewal YourEthWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
    miningpoolhub (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1 (ETH):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1 (ETC):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEtcWalletAddress.WorkerName (EXP):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourExpWalletAddress/WorkerName
    miningpoolhub (MUSIC):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
    ubiqpool (UBIQ):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum+tcp:// -wal YourUbiqWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName (PIRL):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourPirlWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName (Metaverse ETP):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourMetaverseETPWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x (Ellaism):
    PhoenixMiner.exe -pool -wal YourEllaismWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x
    2. Features, requirements, and limitations
    * Supports AMD Vega, 580/570/480/470, 460/560, Fury, 390/290 and older AMD GPUs with enough VRAM
    * Supports Nvidia 10×0 and 9×0 series as well as older cards with enough VRAM
    * Highly optimized OpenCL and CUDA cores for maximum ethash mining speed
    * Lowest developer fee of 0.65% (35 seconds defvee mining per each 90 minutes)
    * Advanced statistics: actual difficulty of each share as well as effective hashrate at the pool
    * DAG file generation in the GPU for faster start-up and DAG epoch switches
    * Supports all ethash mining pools and stratum protocols
    * Supports secure pool connections (e.g. ssl:// to prevent IP hijacking attacks
    * Detailed statistics, including the individual cards hashrate, shares, temperature and fan speed
    * Unlimited number of fail-over pools in epools.txt configuration file (or two on the command line)
    * GPU tuning for the AMD GPUs to achieve maximum performance with your rig
    * Supports devfee on alternative ethash currencies like ETC, EXP, Music, UBQ, Pirl, Ellaism, and Metaverse ETP. This allows you to use older cards with small VRAM or low hashate on current DAG epochs (e.g. GTX970).
    * Full compatibility with the industry standard Claymore’s Dual Ethereum miner, including most of command-line options, configuration files, and remote monitoring and management.
    * More features coming soon!
    PhoenixMiner requires Windows x64 (Windows 7, Windows 10, etc.). We are planning a Linux version in
    the future but it may take some time.
    PhenixMiner does not support dual mining. However we are working on this feature and will introduce it
    soon. Solo mining is supported since version 2.7c.
    While the miner is running, you can use some interactive commands. Press the key ‘h’ while the
    miner’s console window has the keyboard focus to see the list of the available commands. The
    interactive commands are also listed at the end of the following section.
    3. Command-line arguments
    Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore’s dual Ethereum miner
    so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore’s miner.
    Pool options:
    -poolEthash pool address (prepend the host name with ssl:// for SSL pool, or http:// for solo mining)
    -walEthash wallet (some pools require user name and/or worker)
    -passEthash password (most pools don’t require it, use ‘x’ as password if unsure)
    -workerEthash worker name (most pools accept it as part of wallet)
    -protoSelects the kind of stratum protocol for the ethash pool:
    1: miner-proxy stratum spec (e.g. coinotron)
    2: eth-proxy (e.g. dwarfpool, nanopool) – this is the default, works for most pools
    3: qtminer (e.g. ethpool)
    4: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (e.g. nicehash)
    -coinEthash coin to use for devfee to avoid switching DAGs:
    auto: Try to determine from the pool address (default)
    eth: Ethereum
    etc: Ethereum Classic
    exp: Expanse
    music: Musicoin
    ubq: UBIQ
    pirl: Pirl
    ella: Ellaism
    etp: Metaverse ETP
    pgc: Pegascoin
    akroma: Akroma
    whale: WhaleCoin
    vic: Victorium
    -stalesSubmit stales to ethash pool: 1 – yes (default), 0 – no
    -pool2 Failover ethash pool address. Same as -pool but for the failover pool
    -wal2Failover ethash wallet (if missing -wal will be used for the failover pool too)
    -pass2Failover ethash password (if missing -pass will be used for the failover pool too)
    -worker2Failover ethash worker name (if missing -worker will be used for the failover pool too)
    -proto2Failover ethash stratum protocol (if missing -proto will be used for the failover pool too)
    -coin2Failover devfee Ethash coin (if missing -coin will be used for the failover pool too)
    -stales2Submit stales to the failover pool: 1 – yes (default), 0 – no
    General pool options:
    -fretSwitch to next pool afer N failed connection attempts (default: 3)
    -ftimeoutReconnect if no new ethash job is receved for n seconds (default: 600)
    -ptimeoutSwitch back to primary pool after n minutes. This setting is 30 minutes by default;
    set to 0 to disable automatic switch back to primary pool.
    -rateReport hashrate to the pool: 1 – yes, 0 – no (1 is the default)
    Benchmark mode:
    -bench [],-benchmark [] Benchmark mode, optionally specify DAG epoch. Use this to test your rig.
    Remote control options:
    -cdmSelects the level of support of the CDM remote monitoring:
    0: disabled
    1: read-only – this is the default
    2: full (only use on secure connections)
    -cdmportSet the CDM remote monitoring port (default is 3333). You can also specify
    if you have a secure VPN connection and want to bind the CDM port to it
    -cdmpassSet the CDM remote monitoring password
    Mining options:
    -amdUse only AMD cards
    -nvidiaUse only Nvidia cards
    -gpusUse only the specified GPUs (if more than 10, separate the indexes with comma)
    -miSet the mining intensity (0 to 14; 12 is the default for the new kernels on AMD GPUs; 10 is the default for Nvidia GPUs)
    -gtSet the GPU tuning parameter (8 to 400). The default is 15. You can change the
    tuning parameter interactively with the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys in the miner’s console window
    -clKernelType of OpenCL kernel: 0 – generic, 1 – optimized, 2 – alternative (1 is the default)
    -clNewUse the new AMD kernels (0: no, 1: yes; default: 1)
    -clfAMD kernel sync (0: never, 1: periodic; 2: always; default: 1)
    -nvNewUse new Nvidia kernels if supported (0: no, 1: yes; default: 1)
    -nvfNvidia kernel sync (0: never, 1: periodic; 2: always; default: 1)
    -list List the detected GPUs devices and exit
    -minRigSpeedRestart the miner if avg 5 min speed is belowMH/s
    -eresAllocate DAG buffers big enough for n epochs ahead (default: 2) to
    avoid allocating new buffers on each DAG epoch switch, which should improve DAG switch stability
    -lidagSlow down DAG generation to avoid crashes when swiching DAG epochs
    (0-3, default: 0 – fastest, 3 – slowest). This option works only on AMD cards
    -altinit Use alternative way to initialize AMD cards to prevent startup crashes
    -wdogEnable watchdog timer: 1 – yes, 0 – no (1 is the default). The watchdog timer checks
    periodically if any of the GPUs freezes and if it does, restarts the miner (see the -rmode
    command-line parameter for the restart modes)
    -rmodeSelects the restart mode when a GPU crashes or freezes:
    0: disabled – miner will shut down instead of restarting
    1: restart with the same command line options – this is the default
    2: reboot (shut down miner and execute reboot.bat)
    -logSelects the log file mode:
    0: disabled – no log file will be written
    1: write log file but don’t show debug messages on screen (default)
    2: write log file and show debug messages on screen
    -logfileSet the name of the logfile. If you place an asterisk (*) in the logfile name, it will be
    replaced by the current date/time to create a unique name every time PhoenixMiner is started. If there
    is no asterisk in the logfile name, the new log entries will be added to end of the same file. If you
    want to use the same logfile but the contents to be overwritten every time when you start the miner,
    put a dollar sign ($) character in the logfile name (e.g. -logfile my_log.txt$).
    -logdirSet a path where the logfile(s) will be created
    -logsmaxsizeMaximum size of the logfiles in MB. The default is 200 MB (use 0 to turn off the limitation).
    On startup, if the logfiles are larger than the specified limit, the oldest are deleted. If you use a
    single logfile (by using -logfile), then it is truncated if it is bigger than the limit and a new one
    is created.
    -timeoutRestart miner according to -rmode after n minutes
    -gswinGPU stats time window (5-30 sec; default: 15; use 0 to revert to pre-2.8 way of showing momentary stats)
    -gpowLower the GPU usage to n% of maximum (default: 100). If you already use -mi 0 (or other low value) use -li instead
    -liAnother way to lower the GPU usage. Bigger n values mean less GPU utilization; the default is 0.
    Hardware control options (most are for AMD cards only, only tt 0-4, tstop, and tstart are supported on Nvidia GPUs), use comma to specify different values for each GPU:
    -ttSet fan control target temperature (special values: 0 – no HW monitoring on ALL cards,
    1-4 – only monitoring on all cards with 30-120 seconds interval, negative – fixed fan speed at n %)
    -fanminSet fan control min speed in % (-1 for default)
    -fanmaxSet fan control max speed in % (-1 for default)
    -tmaxSet fan control max temperature (0 for default)
    -powlimSet GPU power limit in % (from -75 to 75, 0 for default)
    -cclockSet GPU core clock in MHz (0 for default)
    -cvddcSet GPU core voltage in mV (0 for default)
    -mclockSet GPU memory clock in MHz (0 for default)
    -mvddcSet GPU memory voltage in mV (0 for default)
    -tstopPause a GPU when temp is >= n deg C (0 for default; i.e. off)
    -tstartResume a GPU when temp is
    Additionally, while the miner is running, you can use the following interactive commands
    in the console window by pressing one of these keys:
    s Print detailed statistics
    1-9 Pause/resume GPU1 … GPU9 (if you have more than 9 GPUs, type 010 for card 10, 011 for card 11, etc.)
    p Pause/resume the whole miner
    +,- Increase/decrease GPU tuning parameter
    g Reset the GPU tuning parameter
    r Reload epools.txt and switch to primary ethash pool
    e Select the current ethash pool (if you have more than 9 pools in the list, type 010 for pool 10, 011 for pool 11, etc.)
    y Turn on AMD Compute mode if it is off on some of the GPUs
    h Print this short help
    4. Configuration files
    Note that PhoenixMiner supports the same configuration files as Claymore’s dual Ethereum miner
    so you can use your existing configuration files without any changes.
    Instead of using command-line options, you can also control PhoenixMiner with configuration
    files. If you run PhoenixMiner.exe without any options, it will search for the file config.txt
    in the current directory and will read its command-line options from it. If you want, you can
    use file with another name by specifying its name as the only command-line option
    when running PhoenixMiner.exe.
    You will find an example config.txt file in the PhoenixMiner’s directory.
    Instead of specifying the pool(s) directly on the command line, you can use another configuration
    file for this, named epools.txt. There you can specify one pool per line (you will find an example
    epools.txt file in the PhoenixMiner’s directory).
    The advantages of using config.txt and epools.txt files are:
    – If you have multiple rigs, you can copy and paste all settings with these files
    – If you control your rigs via remote control, you can change pools and even the miner options by
    uploading new epools.txt files to the miner, or by uploading new config.txt file and restarting
    the miner.
    5. Remote monitoring and management
    Phoenix miner is fully compatible with Claymore’s dual miner protocol for remote monitoring and
    management. This means that you can use any tools that are build to support Claymore’s dual miner,
    including the “Remote manager” application that is part of Claymore’s dual miner package.
    We are working on much more powerful and secure remote monitoring and control functionality and
    control center application, which will allow better control over your remote or local rigs and some
    unique features to increase your mining profits.
    6. Hardware control options
    Here are some important notes about the hardware control options:
  • If you specify a single value (e.g. -cvddc 1150), it will be used on all cards. Specify different values for each card like this (separate with comma): -cvddc 1100,1100,1150,1120,1090 If the specified values are less than the number of GPUs, the rest of GPUs will use the default values.
  • We have tested only on relatively recent AMD GPUs (RX460/470/480/560/570/580 and Vega). Your results may vary with older GPUs.
  • The blockchain beta drivers from AMD show quite unstable results – often the voltages don’t stick at all or revert back to the default after some time. For best results use the newest drivers from AMD: 18.1.1 or 18.2.1, where most of the bugs are fixed.
  • -tmax specifies the temperature at which the GPU should start to throttle (because the fans can’t keep up).
  • If you use other programs for hardware control, conflicts are possible and quite likely. Use something like GPU-Z to monitor the voltages, etc. MSI Afterburner also seems to behave OK (so you can use it to control the Nvidia cards while AMD cards are controller by PhoenixMiner).
  • This should be obvious but still: if given clocks/voltages are causing crahses/freezes/incorrect shares when set with third-party program, they will be just as much unstable when set via PhoenixMiner hardware control options.
  • If you have problems with hardware control options of PhoenixMiner and you were using something else to control clocks, fans, and voltages (MSI Aftrerburner, OverdriveNTool, etc.), which you were happy with, it is probably best to keep using it and ignore the hardware control options of PhoenixMiner (or use only some of them and continue tweaking the rest with your third-party tools).

  • 7. FAQ
    Q001: Why another miner?
    A: We feel that the competition is good for the end user. In the first releases of PhoenixMiner
    we focused on the basic features and on the mining speed but we are now working on making our
    miner easier to use and even faster.
    Q002: Can I run several instances of PhoenixMiner on the same rig?
    A: Yes, but make sure that each GPU is used by a single miner (use the -gpus, -amd, or -nvidia
    command-line options to limit the GPUs that given instance of PhoenixMiner actually uses).
    Another possible problem is that all instances will use the default CDM remote port 3333,
    which will prevent proper remote control for all but the first instance. To fix this problem,
    use the -cdmport command-line option to change the CDM remote port form its default value.
    Q003: Can I run PhoenixMiner simultaneously on the same rig with other miners?
    A: Yes, but see the answer to the previous question for how to avoid problems.
    Q004: What is a stale share?
    A: The ethash coins usually have very small average block time (15 seconds in most instances).
    On the other hand, to achieve high mining speed we must keep the GPUs busy so we can’t switch
    the current job too often. If our rigs finds a share just after the someone else has found a
    solution for the current block, our share is a stale share. Ideally, the stale shares should be
    minimal as same pools do not give any reward for stale shares, and even these that do reward
    stall shares, give only partial reward for these shares. If the share is submitted too long
    after the block has ended, the pool may even fully reject it.
    Q005: Why is the percentage of stale shares reported by PhoenixMiner smaller than the one shown
    by the pool?
    A: PhonixMiner can only detect the stale shares that were discovered after it has received a
    new job (i.e. the “very stale”) shares. There is additional latency in the pool itself, and in
    the network connection, which makes a share stall even if it was technically found before the
    end of the block from the miner’s point of view. As pools only reports the shares as accepted
    or rejected, there is no way for the miner to determine the stale shares from the pool’s
    point of view.
    Q006: What is the meaning of the “actual share difficulty” shown by PhoenixMiner when a share is
    A: It allows you to see how close you were to finding an actual block (a rare event these days
    for the most miners with reasonable-sized mining rigs). You can find the current difficulty for
    given coin on sites like and then check to see if you have exceeded it with your
    maximum share difficulty. If you did, you have found a block (which is what the mining is all
    Q007: What is the meaning of “effective speed” shown by PhoenixMiner’s statistics?
    A: This is a measure of the actually found shares, which determines how the pool sees your
    miner hashrate. This number should be close to the average hashrate of your rig (usually a 2-4%
    lower than it) depending you your current luck in finding shares. This statistic is meaningless
    in the first few hours after the miner is started and will level off to the real value with
    Q008: Why is the effective hashrate shown by the pool lower than the one shown by PhoenixMiner?
    A: There are two reasons for this: stale shares and luck. The stale shares are rewarded at only
    about 50-70% by most pools. The luck factor should level itself off over time but it may take
    a few days before it does. If your effective hashrate reported by the pool is consistently lower
    than the hashrate of your rig by more than 5-7% than you should look at the number of stale shares
    and the average share acceptance time – if it is higher than 100 ms, try to find a pool that is
    near to you geographically to lower the network latency. You can also restart your rig, or
    try another pool.
    8. Troubleshooting
    P001: I’m using AMD RX470/480/570/580 or similar card and my hashrate dropped significantly in the past
    few months for Ethereum and Ethereum classic!
    S: This is known problem with some cards. For the newer cards (RX470/480/570/580), this can be
    solved by using the special blockchain driver from AMD (or try the latest drivers, they may
    incorporate the fix). For the older cards there is no workaround but you still can mine EXP,
    Musicoin, UBQ or PIRL with the same speed that you mined ETH before the drop.
    P002: My Nvidia GTX9x0 card is showing very low hashrate under Windows 10!
    S: While there is a (convoluted) workaround, the best solution is to avoid Windows 10
    for these cards – use Windows 7 instead.
    P003: I’m using Nvidia GTX970 (or similar) card and my hashrate dropped dramatically for Ethereum or
    Ethereum classic!
    S: GTX970 has enough VRAM for larger DAGs but its hashate drops when the DAG size starts
    to exceed 2 GB or so. Unlike the AMD Polaris-based cards, there is no workaround for this
    problem. We recommend using these cards to mine EXP, Musicoin, UBQ or PIRL with the same speed
    that you used to ETH before the drop.
    P004: I can’t see some of my cards (or their fan speed and temperature) when using Windows Remote Desktop (RDP)!
    S: This is a known problem with RDP. Use VNC or TeamViewer instead.
    P005: On Windows 10, if you click inside the PhoenixMiner console, it freezes!
    S: This is a known problem on Windows 10, related to so called “Quick Edit” feature of the command
    prompt window. From PhoenixMiner 2.6, the QuickMode is disabled by default, so you shouldn’t experience
    this problem. If you still, do, read here how to solve it:
    P006: Immediately after starting, PhoenixMiner stops working and the last message is “debugger detected”
    S: If you have only Nvidia cards, add the option -nvidia to the PhoenixMiner.exe command line.
    If you have only AMD cards, add the option -amd to the command line.
    P007: PhoenixMiner shows an error after allocating DAG buffer and shuts down.
    S: If you have more than one GPU, make sure that your Windows page file minimal size is set to at
    least 16 GB. If this doesn’t help, start PhoenixMiner by running the start_miner.bat that is in the
    miner’s folder. You MUST change the wallet address that is specified in start_miner.bat to make
    sure that the miner mines to your address. Also, make sure that all lines, starting with setx are
    not commented (i.e. they doesn’t start with REM command).
    P008: The miner sometimes crashes when the DAG epoch change.
    S: During DAG generation, the GPUs are loaded more than during the normal operation. If you have
    overclocked or undervolted the GPUs “to the edge”, the DAG generation ofter pushes them “over the
    edge”. Another possible reason for the crash (especially if the whole rig crashes) is the higher
    power usage during this process. You can lower the DAG generation speed by specifying the -lidag
    command-line option. The possible values are 0 (no slow down), 1, 2, and 3 (max slowdown).
    In order to check if your rig would be stable during DAG generation, run it in benchmark mode
    by specifying the -bench 170 command line option. Then every time when you press the key ‘d’
    the miner will advance to the next DAG epoch, and you will be able to see if it is stable during
    multiple DAG generations. If it isn’t you can try to alter the -lidag and -eres command line options
    until the desired stability is achieved.
  • 1. PhoenixMiner 2.9e -百度网盘 下载地址1 (密码: dxh4)
  • 2. PhoenixMiner 2.9e -MEGA 下载地址1 (密码: )
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